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European Aircraft License

The Aviation Center at Institute of Space Technology is offering internationally recognized academic program Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) License with specialization in the fields of Aerospace (B1.1 & B1.2) and Avionics (B2).


Is mechanically oriented and covers aircraft structure air frame systems, engines and propellers, or rotors as appropriate.


To cover electrical power and distribution and control and indication systems. Is avionics based and confers privileges similar to those of the aerospace engineer associated with avionics systems.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering License (AMEL)

Curriculum Specialization: B1 (Aerospace)
B 1.1Turbine Engine Aero plane
Year 1
Code Subject
M1 Mathematics
M2 Physics
M3 Electrical Fundamentals
M4 Electronic Fundamentals for Aerospace(B1)
M5 Digital Techniques for Aerospace(B1)
M6 Materials and Hardware
M8 Basic Aerodynamics
M9 Human Factors
M17 Propellor
Year 2
Code Subject
M7 Maintenance Practices
M10 Aviation Legislation
M15 Gas Turbine Engine
M11 Turbine Aero plane Aerodynamics Structures and Systems

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering License (AMEL)

Curriculum Specialization: B2 (Avionics)
Year 1
Code Subject
M1 Mathematics
M2 Physics
M3 Electrical Fundamentals
M4 Electronic Fundamentals for Avionics (B2)
M5 Digital Techniques for Avionics (B2)
M6 Materials and hardware
M8 Basic Aerodynamics
M9 Human Factors
Year 2
Code Subject
M7 Maintenance Practices
M10 Aviation Legislation
M13 Aero plane Aerodynamics Structures and Systems
M14 Propulsion

Program: For SSC/FSc Students:

  • SSC/ O-Level (with Physics & Mathematics)
  • FSc/ A-Level (with Physics & Mathematics)
  • 60% marks in Physics & Mathematics
  • 60% marks in entry test
  • Minimum Age Limit : 17 Years
Admission Fee 150,000/-
(One Time Payable at the time of Admission )
Per Paper Fee € 115/-
(Pay before one month of Each Exam)
OJT Fee Per Month 8,000/-
Semester Fee: (Total 6 Semesters)
Per Semester Fee  (4 Months) 140,000/-