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Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization

The IST Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) focuses to foster and develop collaborative work environment among researchers, industrial partners, national R&D organizations and funding agencies.
Since its inception in 2011, the office is facilitating value added innovation in both basic and applied research. According to triple helix program, it aims to develop and commercialize promising innovative processes, products and technologies according to market-driven requirements in shortest possible time. Alongside, it’s also assured that the quality of research must reflect the highest international standards and advance the stature of the university among the world’s best research institutions

Message From Director

I take immense pride in leading a Department that oversee various aspects of research and development (R&D) and executes the institutional strategies. We believe that R&D has a pivotal role in creating new knowledge and achieving excellence in education, contributing to the nation’s technological progress, and addressing global challenges.
IST has a rich tradition of fostering a research-driven environment where students, faculty, and collaborators work together to explore new frontiers in space science, engineering, and allied disciplines. The presence of state-of-the-art research centers, such as National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA), National Center for Failure Analysis (NCFA) and the Space Systems Lab (SSL) on the campus is a testament to our dedication, efforts and alignment with our mission to contribute meaningfully to the national and international scientific endeavors.
ORIC at IST serves as a dynamic hub for facilitating impactful research, fostering academia-industry linkages, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. By bridging the gap between knowledge creation and practical application; ORIC plays a crucial role in enabling transformation of innovative ideas into tangible solutions. We provide a robust platform for protecting intellectual property, assisting in securing research funding, and supporting the startup initiatives through incubation and commercialization opportunities. Through collaborative efforts with industry partners, government bodies, and international organizations, ORIC is dedicated to building a knowledge-driven ecosystem that fuels economic and social development.
You are welcome to explore the vibrant research landscape at IST and I encourage you to join us in our journey to shape a brighter future for Pakistan and the global community. Together, let us continue to discover and create solutions that matter.

Dr. Ibrahim Qazi
Director, ORIC
Institute of Space Technology