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Library Membership

Membership Procedure
1.   Prospective library member will fill the form, get the recommendation and submit at the circulation desk.

Membership Categories
2.   The use of the IST libraries shall be open to members of following categories applying for the membership on Library Membership Form (Form # Lib-F-01/02):

  • Category A      Members of the IST teaching staff
  • Category B      IST Fellows and Research Scholars
  • Category C     Students on the rolls of the IST
  • Category D     Officers of the IST
  • Category E     Other employees of the IST
  • Category F     External members (Employees of R&D organizations) 

Authorizations /Loan Period
3.  Members shall be entitled to borrow books from the library except those mentioned in para 8 below.

4.  A borrowers’ card shall be issued to every member by the IST on presentation of which books will be issued to him/her from the library. This card shall not be transferable and should be surrendered at the time of obtaining a clearance certificate. A sum of rupees 100/- shall be charged for the loss of card.

5.  Books may be issued to members of various categories as under:

  • Category A            10 books at a time for one semester
  • Category B            5 books at a time for one month
  • Category C & D    4 books at a time for 2 weeks
  • Category E            2 books at a time for 1 week
  • Category F           As per category D or category E according to the designation of the member

General rules
6.  Books once borrowed may be re-issued with the permission of the Librarian provided they are not required by any other member.

7.  In case a book is urgently required, the Librarian may recall it at a short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by the borrower.

8.  Books and other material of the following description shall not be issued to borrowers but may be consulted in the library during the working hours with permission of the Librarian:

  • Reference books, like encyclopedia, dictionaries, reports and other reference media
  • Reserved books
  • Rare books and protected documents
  • Microfilms photographs, tape-recorders, video films etc.
  • Periodicals/news papers etc.

9.  The library timings shall be prescribed by the Librarian from time to time with the approval of the Dean of the IST.

10. Members of the library shall not be allowed to take umbrellas, Sticks, dirty shoes, combustible material and other such articles in the library.

11. Eating, drinking, sleeping, smoking and audible conversation within the Library premises shall be prohibited.