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IST Feedback System

IST has established a proper feedback system for assessing requirements of its stakeholders including student, faculty, and industry, statutory and regulatory bodies. The Quality Enhancement Cell is responsible to ensure that these requirements are gathered and acquired in a reliable manner and properly addressed at the departmental as well as the Vice Chancellor Quality Assurance Committee.

IST Feedback system is based on the following important characteristics:

  1. IST monitors, reviews and benchmarks teaching and learning processes continuously and brings improvement in learning instructions, teaching, curricula and institutional infrastructure.
  2. IST monitors the effectiveness of programs to evaluate the extent to which the intended learning outcomes are being attained by students, and to ensure that appropriate action is taken to remedy any identified shortcomings.
  3. IST students are provided full opportunity to raise, individually or collectively, matters of proper concern to them without fear of disadvantage and in the knowledge that privacy and confidentiality will be respected.
  4. The mechanisms exist to enable open and constructive feedback to be provided by research students and their supervisors on the learning experience and support infrastructure.
  5. The mechanisms are in place to ensure that any conclusions reached by Strategic Quality Management committee are taken into account in considering matters relating to learning, teaching, and assessment.
  6. The use of student feedback questionnaires covers all lecture courses, and, wherever appropriate, other course elements.
  7. The arrangements made for the analysis of the results of student feedback questionnaires; how and to who are they reported. Subject areas also ensure that there are mechanisms in place to ensure appropriate action in response to any significant issues which arise.
  8. IST ensures that where a complaint or appeal is upheld appropriate remedial action is implemented
  9. IST has in place effective arrangements for the regular monitoring, evaluation and review of complaints and appeals.
  10. IST ensures that information about all complaints and appeals policies and procedures is available in accessible formats and communicated to students.

    Following are the components of IST Feedback system

    1. Faculty Course Review Report
    May, 15, 2014 - 0 KB - 2339 Downloads | Download
    2. Alumni Survey
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2193 Downloads | Download
    3. Faculty Survey
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2107 Downloads | Download
    4. Faculty Resume Format
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2098 Downloads | Download
    5. Employer Survey
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2087 Downloads | Download
    6. Graduating Student Survey
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2044 Downloads | Download
    7. Research Student Progress Report
    September, 11, 2012 - 0 KB - 2043 Downloads | Download