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Bachelor of Science (Physics)

Physics investigates the laws of nature and is indispensable not only for our understanding of the world but also for the solution of the technological and ecological problems. As a fundamental science, physics continues to be the driving intellectual force in expanding our understanding of the universe, in discovering the scientific basis for new technologies, and in applying these technologies to research.

The Institute of Space Technology has launched a new program for BS in Physics, starting from Fall 2020. The BS program in Physics is designed to enlighten students with knowledge from all the vast areas of Physics, including Classical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Special and General Relativity etc. Alongside a sound basic education in Physics and Mathematics, BS students would be able to choose attractive, career-oriented study blocks, notably from the fields of Computational Physics, Materials Physics, Environmental Physics, Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics, Electronics and Astronomy & Astrophysics, which is a unique specialization of its kind in Pakistan.

The Department of Space Science and Physics at IST has distinguished faculty to its credit, who engage in both quality teaching and research. The department's resources not only include the well-trained faculty, but also high-quality labs that provide excellent research opportunities for the students. Active research groups are studying the physics of elementary particles; theoretical and experimental investigations of plasmas ranging from ionosphere to controlled nuclear fusion; electric and magnetic properties of materials; semiconductor physics; astrophysical modeling of supermassive black hole pairs as sources of gravitational waves; observations of stars; study of gamma ray bursts. The students shall be introduced to the research world by working in the diverse fields under the supervision of capable and well-equipped faculty of the department, where emphasis is placed on teaching and research and preparing the students to become the next great physicists of tomorrow and the future to come.

Computational Physics, Materials Physics, Environmental Physics, Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics, Electronics and Astronomy & Astrophysics

PEO-1:  Demonstrate knowledge of Physics on the fundamental, conceptual and application level.

PEO-2: Ability to comprehend, analyze and address scientific problems in Physics’ domains.

PEO-3: Capacity to work in national or international teams in Physics and ancillary domains, with full professional and ethical responsibilities, and ability to communicate in an effective manner.

PLO-1: Scientific Knowledge
Knowledge of the domains of Physics and ability to apply this knowledge to analyze a variety of scientific problems.

PLO-2: Mathematical Skills and Knowledge
Skills in mathematics and comprehension of mathematical concepts needed in Physics.

PLO-3: Modern Tool Usage
Ability to use modern tools, techniques and skills to analyze and solve problems in Physics.

PLO-4: Problem Analysis
Ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and investigate scientific problems.

PLO-5: Investigation
Ability to acquire, analyze and interpret data as well as synthesize information to derive valid conclusions.

PLO-6: Environment, Sustainability and Society
Understanding of the impact of Physics in societal and environmental context and knowledge of the needs for sustainable development.

PLO-7: Ethics
Understanding of ethical principles and an ability to apply them along with a commitment to professional ethics and responsibilities.

PLO-8: Individual and Teamwork
Ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, in multifaceted and/or multi-disciplinary settings.

PLO-9: Communication
Ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing with the scientific community and with the society at large.

PLO-10: Project Management
Management and leadership skills, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

PLO-11: Lifelong LearningAbility to recognize importance of life-long learning in the broader context of innovation and scientific developments.

Semester Subject Credit Hours
1 English-I 3
Calculus-I 3
Introduction to Computing 3
Mechanics 4
Lab-1 1
2 English-II 3
Calculus-II 3
Electricity & Magnetism 4
Heat & Thermodynamics 3
Lab II 1
3 English-III 3
Linear Algebra 3
Waves & Oscillations 3
Modern Physics 3
Lab-III 1
4 Islamic Studies 2
English IV 3
Differential Equations 3
Probability & Statistics 3
Optics 3
Lab-IV 1
5 Mathematical Methods of Physics-I 3
Electrodynamics-I 3
Classical Mechanics 3
Electronics-I 3
Pakistan Studies 2
Lab-V 2
6 Mathematical Methods of Physics- II 3
Quantum Mechanics-I 3
Electrodynamics –II 3
Electronics-II 3
Statistical Physics 3
Lab-VI 2
7 Quantum Mechanics-II 3
Atomic & Molecular Physics 3
Solid State Physics-I 3
Elective-I 3
Nuclear Physics / Introduction to Relativity 3
Lab-VII 2
8 Elective-II 3
Elective-III 3
Research Project 3
Solid State Physics-II 3
Elective-IV 3

Laboratory Courses

Semester Lab Credit Hours Themes
1 Lab-I 1 Measurement and uncertainties Mechanics, fluids
2 Lab-II 1 Measurement and uncertainties Electricity and Magnetism
3 Lab-III 1 Heat, waves, sound
4 Lab-IV 1 Optics
5 Lab-V 2 Electronics
6 Lab-VI 2 Modern Physics Advanced optics, atomic physics and spectroscopy Electronic materials
7 Lab VII 2 Miscellaneous advanced experiments in modern physics, atomic physics, solid state physics, electronics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Methods of Experimental Physics
  • Environmental Physics
  • Introduction to Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Digital Electronics
  • Lasers
  • Laser Engineering
  • Experimental Techniques in Particle and Nuclear Physics
  • Electronic Materials and Devices
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Introduction to Photonics
  • Introduction to Materials Science
  • Introduction to Nano Science and Nanotechnologies
  • Particle Physics
  1. SSC/ Equivalent Certificate
  2. FSc Pre-Engineering/ ICS/ Equivalent Certificate with Mathematics & Physics
  3. No Entry Test Required
Number of Seats 50