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Bachelor of Science - Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering degree program provides graduates with the technical foundation they need to enter the field of Aeronautics & Astronautics. It will prepare them to apply engineering principles, processes and practices to evaluate, analyze, design and develop aerospace systems, and their maintenance.

Focused on the field requirements for airborne/space borne platforms, the four-year program encompasses the study of aerodynamics, propulsion, aerospace structures, flight dynamics, navigation guidance and control with application of knowledge during aerospace vehicle design. The program imparts knowledge of basic engineering technology as well as practical knowhow for readiness of engineers to cope up the challenges being faced by organizations in Aerospace industry. The curriculum for undergraduate program in Aerospace Engineering leading to the award of Bachelor of Science degree is approved by Higher Education Commission and accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council.

The Aerospace engineering BS program prepares technically strong engineers who can contribute effectively towards the community and related industry through research, entrepreneurship, leadership, and passion for life-long learning.

Semester -1
Course Codes Subject Credit Hours
100316 English composition 2-0
123201 Calculus 3-0
117401 Applied Physics 3-0
117402 Applied Physics Lab 0-1
111509 Engineering Chemistry 2-0
100102 Pakistan studies 2-0
108470 Introduction to Computer Programming 2-0
108471 Introduction to Computer Programming Lab 0-1
105101 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 2-0
Total   16+2=18
Semester -2
300317 Communication & Presentation Skills 2-0
300318 Communication & Presentation Skills Lab 0-1
205901 Engineering Mechanics-I 3-0
100101 Religious Studies 2-0
123204 Linear Algebra 3-0
115201 Engineering Drawing 0-1
108101 Circuits & Electronics (MDEE-I) 3-0
108102 Circuits & Electronics Lab (MDEE-I) 0-1
114527 Workshop Technology 1-0
114528 Workshop Technology Lab Work 0-1
Total 14+4=18
Semester -3
214301 Thermodynamics 3-0
305226 Incompressible Aerodynamics 3-0
205202 Aerodynamics Lab 0-1
305902 Engineering Mechanics-II 3-0
305355 Aerospace Instrumentation 2-0
305356 Aerospace Instrumentation Lab 0-1
117438 Fundamentals of Space Sciences (IDEE-I) 2-0
223203 Differential Equations 3-0
Total 16+2=18
Semester -4
305903 Mechanics of Materials 3-0
305904 Mechanics of Materials Lab 0-1
305227 Compressible Aerodynamics 3-0
215223 Computer Aided Drafting 0-1
323320 Numerical Analysis 2-0
323321 Numerical Analysis Lab 0-1
405357 Control systems 3-0
405358 Control systems Lab 0-1
123202 Engineering Mathematics 3-0
Total 14+4=18
Semester -5
300304 Technical Writing 2-0
305204 Aero Vehicle Performance 3-0
405906 Aerospace Structures I 3-0
314305 Heat and Mass Transfer 3-0
314306 Heat and Mass Transfer Lab 0-1
205905 Aerospace Materials 3-0
405510 Flight Dynamics & Stability 3-0
Total 17+1=18
Semester -6
405706 Spacecraft Design 2-0
405707 Spacecraft Design Lab 0-1
405425 Propulsion & Power Systems 3-0
405426 Propulsion & Power Systems Lab 0-1
405120 Aero Vehicle Design 2-0
405121 Aero Vehicle Design Lab 0-2
  Engineering Elective I 3-0
  Engineering Elective II 2-0
  Engineering Elective II Lab 0-1
Total 12+5=17
Semester -7
499901 Design Project I 0-3
  Engineering Elective III 2-0
  Engineering Elective IV 3-0
327127 Artificial Intelligence 2-0
327128 Artificial Intelligence Lab 0-1
123401 Probability in Engineering 2-0
405907 Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity 3-0
  Management Elective I 2-0
Total 14+4=18
Semester -8
499902 Design Project II 0-3
  Management Sciences Elective II 3-0
  Social Sciences Elective I 2-0
  Social Sciences Elective II 2-0
Total 7+3=10

List of Electives

  Codes Courses Credit Hours
Engineering Electives
I 505908 Aerospace Structures-II 3-0
505207 Rotorcraft Dynamics 3-0
405427 Space Propulsion 3-0
405321 Guidance and Navigation of Aerospace Vehicles 3-0
II 405122 Computational Mechanics 2-0
405123 Computational Mechanics Lab 0-1
405359 Digital System Design 2-0
405360 Digital System Design lab 0-1
III 405228 Fluid Mechanics 2-0
405361 Flight Control Systems 2-0
IV 514407 Turbo Machinery 3-0
405502 Spacecraft Dynamics and Control 3-0
Social Science Electives
I 300106 Psychology 2-0
300232 Sociology 2-0
II 300233 Professional Ethics (would include OSHA) 2-0
300234 Human Factor Engineering (would include OSHA) 2-0
Management Science Electives
I 300448 Entrepreneurship 2-0
300449 Total Quality Management 2-0
II 300450 Engineering Management 3-0
  1. Humanities and Social Sciences
    • English
      • English composition
        Intensive instruction in writing, focusing on analysis, argument, inquiry and research strategies for reading critically, analyzing text from different perspective, strategies for formulating and investigating questions, locating and evaluating information.
      • Communication & Presentation Skills
        Listening and speaking skills, types of communication, research documentation, speech and pronunciation, presentation environment, presentation configuration, presentation strategies, conversation skills, illustrations and visual aids.
      • Technical Writing
        Intensive instruction in writing: strategies for reading critically, analyzing texts from diverse perspectives, integrating source and expressing ideas with clarity and correctness, strategies for formulating and investigating questions, locating and evaluating information.
    • Culture
      • Pakistan Studies
        Events of 1857, ideology of Pakistan, Pakistan Movement, independence, distribution of water resources, political history, dismemberment of East Pakistan, constitution, wars, Kashmir issue, disputed areas.
      • Religious Studies
        Khutaba Hujjat-ul-Wida (Farewell Address), the life of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him), Influence of Islamic Civilization on the Subcontinent, International influence of Islamic civilization.
    • Social Sciences
      • Sociology
        Historical Perspective, Society & Community, Social Groups & social Institutions, Social Interaction & Social Norms, Social & Cultural Change, Collective Behavior, Civil Society & Development Discussion on Social Problems of Pakistan.
      • Psychology
        Scope of Psychology, Biological Bases of Behavior, Emotions, Perception and Motivation, Cognitive Psychology, Personality, Psychology of Communication, Mass Communication, Psychology of Work Environment, Organizational Behavior, Stress Management Relaxation Techniques.
      • Professional Ethics
        An Overview of Business ethics, Ethical issues in Business, Appling Moral Philosophies to Business Ethics, Moral Philosophy Defined, Moral Philosophy Perspectives, Social Responsibility, An Ethical Decision-Making Framework, How the Organization Influences Ethical Decision Making, The Role of Opportunity and Conflict, Opportunity, Conflict, Development of an Effective Ethics Program, International Business Ethics, Fundamentals and basic principles of OSHA will be covered in the course for enhancing awareness of workplace safety and health.
      • Human Factors Engineering
        Understanding Human capabilities; Human performance and limitations; Social psychology; Factors affecting human performance; Physical environment; Tasks and communication; Safe practices in the field; Human errors and case studies. Fundamentals and basic principles of OSHA will be covered in the course for enhancing awareness of workplace safety and health.
  2. Management Sciences
    • Entrepreneurship
      Evolution of the concept of entrepreneur; factors affecting entrepreneurial growth. Ingredients for a successful new business, Creativity and source of new business ideas, E-Commerce and business start-up and growth, marketing management: franchising, management systems, role and function of management.
    • Total Quality Management
      Fundamental Principles, Seven quality tools, Quality assurance & quality Control, statistical methods and statistical process control. Acceptance sampling, Quality Function Deployment, value engineering, cost of quality, total productive maintenance, bench marking; ISO-9000 application, clauses and implementation issues, FMEA, Pokayoke, design of experiments.
    • Engineering Management
      Introduction to organization, planning and decision aids, project planning techniques, organization structure, human resource management, leadership, total quality management, project management techniques, managing information system, managing operation, PERT, CPM, tools.
  3. Natural Sciences
    • Mathematics
      • Calculus
        Introduction, functions, single & multi valued functions, inverse function and graphs polar coordinates, limit, continuity, indeterminate forms, L'Hopital Rule, infinite series, derivative and its applications, related rates, maxima and minima, Tailor and Maclaurin series comparison, ratio, root and integral tests, absolute series, integration, Wall's formula, application, quadrature, arc length, solid of revolution.
      • Linear Algebra
        System of linear equations and matrices, determinants, Cramer's rule, vectors in 2-D space and 3-D space, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, equilibrium temperature distributions, linear transformations, complex inner product spaces, unitary, normal, and Hermitian matrices, applications of linear algebra.
      • Differential Equations
        First and higher order differential equations, power series method, Laplace transformation, differentiation and integral theorems, system of linear differential equations, partial differential equations, method of separation of variables.
      • Engineering Mathematics
        Partial differentiation, advance vector analysis, directional derivatives, irrational and solenoidal vector fields, multiple integration, Guass divergence theorem, Stokes's and green theorems, Fourier series, complex variables, Cauchy Riemann equation.
      • Probability and Statistics
        Frequency distribution, Simple and conditional probability, Random variables & mathematical expectation, Distribution (Binomial, Poison, Uniform and Normal distributions) Statistics mainly covers the data collection, presentation, summarization in meaningful manner such as measures of averages and dispersion, and shape of data distribution.
    • Physics
      • Applied Physics
        Vectors, Motion along a straight line, Motion in two and three dimensions, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Applying Newton’s Laws, Work and Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Energy Conservation, Momentum, Impulse and collisions, Rotation of rigid bodies, Dynamics of rotational motion, Newton’s Laws of Gravitation, Gravitational Potential Energy, Equilibrium of Bodies, Center of Mass and gravity, Fluid Mechanics, Pascal’s Law, Archimedes principle, Waves, Sound Waves, Shock Waves, Doppler Effect, Electromagnetism, Electric Field, Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance and Dielectric, Resistance and Electromotive Force, Magnetic Field, Inductance, Solid State Physics
    • Chemistry
      • Engineering Chemistry
        Extraction of metals, production and applications, corrosion, anodization and thermochemistry that controls the properties and interconnection of processes and defining the behavior of materials, study of polymers, lubricants, paints and coatings, Fuels used in the aerospace industry.
  4. Computing
    • Numerical Analysis
      Newton method, regula falsi method, modified newton method, finite differences, method of least square, Lagrange interpolation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, Runge Kutta method.
    • Introduction to Computer Programming
      Logical Expressions and Selection Control Structures, Loops, Functions, Scope, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Structures, Strings, etc.
    • Artificial Intelligence
      Introduction (Basic component of AI, Identifying AI systems, branches of AI, etc.); Reasoning and Knowledge Representation (Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge Representation, Propositional Logic, First order Logic); Problem Solving by Searching (Informed searching, Uninformed searching, Local searching.); Constraint Satisfaction Problems; Adversarial Search (Min-max algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Game-playing); Learning (Unsupervised learning, Supervised learning, Reinforcement learning); Uncertainty handling (Uncertainty in AI, Fuzzy logic); Recent trends in AI and applications of AI algorithms (trends, Case study of AI systems, Analysis of AI systems).
  5. Engineering Subjects
    • Mandatory
      • Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
        Aeronautics: Anatomy of an airplane, standard atmosphere, Aerodynamic forces, lift and drag; Astronautics: Satellite types and orbits; elements of propulsive systems, basic structural elements, systems and materials used for aerospace vehicles-project.
      • Workshop Technology
        Introduction to manufacturing, hand tools, turning, milling, shaping, drilling, grinding, joining and welding processes, manufacturing process planning, CNC lathe and CNC milling, Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), woodworking. Awareness regarding workshop floor safety and health procedure and use of protective equipment with relevance to OSHA standard.
      • Engineering Drawing
        Intro to engineering drawing, concept of lines, orthographic projection, projection of points, projection of lines, solids of revolution, intro to PRO-E, drawing of 2D figures and 3D solids.
      • Computer Aided Drafting
        Intro to engineering drawing, concept of lines, orthographic projection, projection of points, projection of lines, solids of revolution, intro to PRO-E, drawing of 2D figures and 3D solids.
      • Thermodynamics
        Introduction and Basic Concepts, Energy, Energy Transfer and General Energy Analysis, Properties of Pure Substances, Energy Analysis of Closed Systems, Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Exergy-A Measure of Work Potential, Gas Power Cycles.
      • Engineering Mechanics-I
        Fundamental concepts, systems of units, scalars and vectors, Newton’s laws, force systems, equilibrium in 2D and 3D, structures, method of joints and sections, center of mass, concentrated loads, shear force and bending moment, friction.
      • Engineering Mechanics-II
        Kinematics of particle motion in various coordinate systems, kinetics of particle using force mass acceleration, work-energy and impulse-momentum, Kinematics of body motion in 2D, Kinetics of rigid bodies, using force-mass acceleration, work-energy and impulse-momentum.
      • Mechanics of Materials
        Stress, strain, Hook's law, statically determinate and indeterminate problems in axial and shear modes, shear force and bending moment diagrams, flexural and shear formula for beams, theory of torsion; thin walled pressure vessel.
      • Aerospace Materials
        General introduction to materials classification and their general properties, atomic and crystal structure, crystal imperfections, mechanical properties/behavior of material, dislocations and failure mechanism, Phase diagram, thermal processing of metals, description of Ferrous and non-ferrous metals & alloys, ceramics, and polymers with emphasis on its aerospace application, composite material and its applications in aerospace, material selection process and salient environmental/societal issues.
      • Aerospace Instrumentation
        Principles and components of a measurement system, statistical data analysis, circuits used for signal conditioning, amplifiers and their configurations, Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters, meters, problems associated with electronic measurement systems, Transducers used for measuring different physical quantities like temperature, light, humidity, pressure, vibration, shock, magnetism, ultrasonic, proximity and strain etc. Control of DC motors and stepper motors, aircraft cockpit instruments, IMU/INS, implementation of data acquisition systems and inter-facing with computer using Lab View.
      • Incompressible Aerodynamics
        Aerodynamic forces and moments, fundamental principles and equation fundamentals of in viscid incompressible flow. Bernoulli equation, potential flows over airfoil, thin airfoil theory, flow over finite wings, Prandtl classical, lifting time theory, down wash and induced drag compilation of lift and drag of the airfoil and wing, boundary layer analysis, high lift devices.
      • Compressible Aerodynamics
        Intro to wave theory, normal oblique shock, prandtl Meyer expansion waves, Engine inlet & nozzle design, potential low equations, linear theory, transonic flow supersonic/hypersonic flow.
      • Aerospace Structures-I
        Basic structural elements, construction of parts of an aircraft, wing and fuselage, columns, buckling of plates, energy methods, failure theories, Matrix method of structural analysis
      • Heat and Mass Transfer
        Basics of Heat Transfer: Heat transfer mechanisms, Thermal conductivity & diffusivity, etc. Heat Conduction: Multidimensional heat transfer, Heat generation, heat conduction equation, Boundary and initial conditions, Steady heat conduction in plane walls, cylinders and spheres, Critical radius of insulation, Heat transfer from finned surfaces etc. Convection Heat Transfer: Physical mechanism, Velocity and thermal boundary layers, Differential equations, External & Internal forced convection, Thermal insulation, Natural & Free convection, etc. Heat Transfer by Radiation: Thermal radiation, Radiation properties, Radiation view factor, View factor relations, Heat exchange between nonblack bodies, Radiation shields, etc. Heat Exchangers: Basic types, Log mean temperature difference method, Heat exchanger effectiveness – NTU method, Selection / Design considerations, etc. Mass Transfer: Fick’s law of diffusion, Mass transfer Coefficient, Water vapor migration in buildings, Diffusion in a moving medium, etc.
      • Aero Vehicle Performance
        Performance analysis of air vehicles under steady flight and accelerated conditions, drag polar, power available, power required, endurance, range, climb, ceiling, maximum speed, stalling speed, high lift devices, turning, take-off and landing performance.
      • Flight Dynamics & Stability
        Developing transformation matrices deriving aircrafts governing equation of motion. Mathematically modeling an aircraft. Derive & calculate stability derivation of an aircraft. Aircrafts dynamics stability & response to controls.
      • Spacecraft Design
        This course will not be restricted to satellites and earth orbiting missions but also address the space shuttles, rockets and interplanetary missions. The topics includes spacecraft mission characterization with orbital parameters; space payloads; structural, electrical, thermal and power design of launch vehicles and satellites; attitude control system; mission operations.
      • Aero Vehicle Design
        Analysis of aircraft design with respect to aerodynamics, propulsion, structure, performance and stability. Design specific cost analysis and design optimization.
      • Control Systems
        Open and closed-loop systems, modeling in state space of dynamic systems, mathematical models of mechanical, electrical and electronic systems, stability criteria, control system design by root locus method, control system design by frequency-response, PID Controllers.
      • Propulsion & Power Systems
        Gas turbine cycles, intakes and nozzles, turbojet, turbofan and turbo prop engines, thrust augmentation, centrifugal and axial flow compressors, combustion chambers, turbine, exhaust nozzles.
      • Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity
        Structural dynamics and aeroelasticity study, with an emphasis on conventional aircraft. Majorly structural dynamics comprising vibration, modal representation, and dynamic response, (b) static aeroelasticity including divergence, aileron reversal, flight load redistribution and (c) dynamic aeroelasticity including flutter, unsteady aerodynamics, and elastic tailoring.
      • Senior Design Project
        Students undertake an independent project in their senior year. Essential tasks: Project identification, aims and objectives of project, definition of subsystems and requirements, project feasibility, progress presentation, preliminary design, finalization of analysis, design finalization, report preparation, final presentation.
    • Electives
      • Aerospace Structures II
        Stress analysis of elastic structures for aerospace application under different loading conditions, Shear flow distribution in thin-wall structures, wings and fuselage analysis; composite structure for aerospace applications; Aeroelasticity.
      • Rotorcraft Dynamics
        Elementary blade motion; aerodynamics of rotor in motion; helicopter performance; Modeling and analysis techniques for dynamic response, vibration, aeroelastic stability, and aeromechanical stability of rotary-wing vehicles.
      • Space Propulsion
        Propulsion and Thermal Science Space Propulsion Introduction to rocket propulsion fundamentals propellants and nozzle design with detailed insight to chemical and non-chemical propulsion system and advanced concepts in prolusion for space application.
      • Guidance and Navigation of Aerospace Vehicles
        Principles of inertial navigation, theory and applications of GPS, celestial navigation procedures Principles of guidance systems for spacecraft launch vehicles, homing and ballistic missiles. Optimal guidance, Interplanetary transfer guidance with low thrust, Principles of inertial navigation, theory and applications of the Global Positioning System, Celestial navigation procedures, application of Kalman filtering to recursive navigation theory, Noise Analysis.
      • Computational Mechanics
        Fundamental concepts on solving problems in computational fluid dynamics and computational structural mechanics. The first part of the course would focus on the fundamental computational schemes employed to solve fluid flow while the later part provides a basic approach to finite element methods for learning stress analysis and heat transfer applications.
      • Digital Systems Design
        Analysis of sequential circuits, counters, registers, memories, introduction to microprocessors, low level microprocessor programming, peripheral interface, microcontrollers and their applications.
      • Flight Control System
        Introduction to the design of flight control systems; aircraft stability; cases of stability augmentation system and basic autopilots systems are explained and practiced using design examples in MATLAB/Simulink; design and implementation of navigational autopilots.
      • Fluid Mechanics
        Introduction to governing equations of fluid statics and dynamics. Fluid mechanics is taught in detail supported by tools of control volume analysis and infinitesimal system analysis and flow in boundary layer.
      • Turbo Machinery
        Turbo Machinery Impact of free jets; dimensional analysis and similitude; impulse turbines; reaction turbines; centrifugal pumps; reciprocating pumps; power plants their types and principle of operation.
      • Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
        Introduction to the space, two-body orbital mechanics, orbit determination, time of flight, non-Keplerian motion, rocket performance, orbital maneuvers, interplanetary trajectories, attitude dynamics, attitude control, attitude determination and control hardware.
    • Other Disciplinary Engineering Electives
      • Circuits and Electronics (MDEE- I)
        Current, voltage, resistance, power, energy, resistive circuits, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's current and voltage laws, Thevenin's and Norton's theorem, PN-Junction diode, digital systems and Boolean algebra, analog and digital signals.
      • Fundamentals of Space Sciences (IDEE-I)
        This is an introductory course to Space Sciences. The course covers the fundamental concepts of Space Sciences including, Astronomy, Astrophysics, GIS, Remote Sensing, and Environmental Sciences.
  Structures Aerodynamics Propulsion GNC
Elective I (3-0) Aerospace Structures II Rotorcraft Dynamics Space Propulsion Guidance and Navigation of Aerospace Vehicles
Elective II (2-1) Computational Mechanics Computational Mechanics Computational Mechanics Digital Systems Design
Elective III (2-0) Fluid Mechanics / Flight Control Systems Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Flight Control Systems
Elective IV (3-0) Turbo Machinery/ Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Turbo Machinery Turbo Machinery Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
  1. Matric/ Equivalent Certificate (Science) with minimum 60% marks
  2. FSc Pre-Engineering/ ICS/ DAE/ Equivalent Certificate with minimum 60% overall marks
  3. Minimum 33% Obtained Marks in Entry Test acceptable for IST
Acceptable Field of Studies for DAE Applicants
  1. Diploma in Aerospace
  2. Diploma in Auto Diesel
  3. Diploma in Automation
  4. Diploma in Mechanical with any Specialization
  5. Diploma in Mechatronics
Number of Seats 100