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Genetic Screening & Counseling Services at IST

The genetic screening and counseling services carried out at Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, through the use of new high performance technologies. The laboratory has expertise in an array of molecular techniques including PCR, DNA sequencing, in-situ hybridization, protein and cellular analysis.

In line with profile, state of art laboratory will provide genetic screening and counseling services on commercial scale to general public and employees of the sensitive organizations. The services are provided for routine diagnostics and clinical trials for rare and inherited disorders like Depression, Intellectual Disability, Mental Retardation, Alzheimer, Parkinson Disease, Mania, Bipolar disorder, Nystagmus, HCV, Diabetes Mellitus, Microcephaly, RPI deficiency, Acrodermatitis, etc. Use of molecular techniques such as DNA sequencing, micro/mini satellite analysis and LOH to identify specific genetic and rare disorders, which are not only able to offer real diagnosis, but also to identify carriers of the modifications who might develop the disease.

We provide the most consistent and highest quality results

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