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Workshop on Fracture & Fractography (24-26 November, 2014)

The purpose of workshop on fracture and Fractography is to analyze the fracture features and to attempt to relate the topography of the fracture surface to the causes and/or basic mechanisms of failure. This workshop is intended to provide a practical understanding of the topic based upon theoretical knowledge of concepts that are involved in the failures of engineering structures. Moreover, a practical approach towards the ways of description and interpretation of features of fracture surfaces, resulting from different types of stresses, will be addressed with the help of an industrial failure case study.

Resource Persons

Dr. Fahim Hashmi
(PhD Materials Science and Engineering) is the Founding Director of Failure Analysis
Center at IST, Islamabad.
Prof. Dr. Syed Wilayat Husain
PhD (Metallurgy), UConn.
Specialized Areas: Alloy Development, Materials Characterization.


October, 21, 2014 - 0 KB - 1918 Downloads | Download
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October, 21, 2014 - 0 KB - 1772 Downloads | Download