- Department of Student Affairs is organizing the “Annual Job Fair” on Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 0930 hrs ~ 1200 hrs for the Graduating Students (Class of 2024). HR and Technical Representatives are cordially invited to interact with the third and final year graduating students of the following department to hold interviews for jobs and internships, conduct presentations, and interact one-on-one with the student body. Departments are;
- Aerospace Engineering
- Avionics Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Space Science
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- For organization registration, it is hereby requested to submit all required details of your visiting representatives on the form (Link: https://forms.gle/joKJzk6czPBDxaX98) latest by Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
For queries, please contact;
Engr. Abdul Rahman
Assistant Director
Office of Internship, Placement & Alumni Affairs
Department of Student Affairs
Office: +92 51 9075819
Mobile: +92 323 5143228
Email: studentaffairsist@gmail.com